5 Musical Easter Egg Activities

5 Musical Easter Egg Activities

Mr. Rob

Mr. Rob

It’s almost Easter and what better way to celebrate than to incorporate some of those Easter eggs into your music lesson! Can you really use Easter eggs in a music lesson? Yes! And we’re going to show you how with these 5 easy Easter activities for the classroom! Hop on over and let’s get started!

1. Name That Note

Place print outs of the bells inside some Easter eggs. Then, have your kiddos open each one and tell you the name of the note! You can place the eggs inside an egg carton or hide them around your house/classroom!

2. Name that Instrument

This activity is very similar to the first one, but this time students will practice recognizing instruments rather than notes. Print out small pictures of 12 different kinds of instruments. You can find these pics that we used on Freepik! Print out some of the instrument collections, and cut them up. Then hide them inside the eggs and have your students open each one as they recognize the instrument. An added bonus would be to play a sound clip of each instrument as it’s revealed. There are some samples here and here.

3. Shake, Shake, Shake

This is a fun, hands-on activity for the little ones! Fill several eggs with different kinds of objects and let the toddlers and preschoolers shake and dance all over your classroom! We filled our eggs with dry beans, rice, coins, poms poms, and marbles. And, of course, you’ll want to secure each egg with tape or super glue to avoid any of these small objects from spilling out or being put into their mouths. This can be used as a “shake and dance” time, or you can use them to demonstrate how different objects make different sounds when they are shaken. Afterwards, you can open each egg to show what’s inside! See if they can identify “soft” shaking vs. “loud” shaking.

4. Music Egg Matching

This activity is perfect for an elementary classroom! Draw musical symbols on the top of the eggs and then write the term on the bottom. For example, draw a whole note on the top of the egg and then write “whole note” on the bottom. Also, make sure that the matching tops and bottoms are on different colors so it’s more of a challenge to match! Review the musical elements as they’re matched. For an extra challenge, hide the separate tops and bottoms around your classroom and make it into a scavenger hunt!

5. Easter Egg Solfege Game

This is an awesome way to engage your students and gain their attention as soon as they enter the classroom! Draw a treble clef with staff lines on your whiteboard or chalkboard. Next, attach small round magnets to the back of 8 Easter eggs. The eggs we found were all the correct solfege colors, but we couldn’t find any red eggs. So, we took a red permanent marker and made two of them red. Once your eggs are prepped, you’re ready to play! Students have to place each egg on its correct staff position. If they get it correct, they can open their egg and receive a chocolate inside!

Another way to play is to print out a sheet of Prodigies bells, cut them out, and hide them inside the eggs. Go ahead and place the eggs on the board in the correct places on the staff. Then, have students open an egg and tell what solfege note they find inside. Have another student play the matching note on some desk bells if you have them. Grab our bell printable here!

Try mixing up the notes with your musical Easter eggs on the whiteboard or chalkboard to make little tunes, kind of like your own version of PSP Melodies!

We hope your students have a blast with these musical Easter activities! Happy egg hunting, and as always,
