7 Christmas Activities For The Music Classroom

7 Musical Activities for Christmas Time

Mr. Rob

Mr. Rob

Looking for some fun & DIY Christmas Crafts? We’ve got you covered!

1. DIY Music Ornament

Take some of the sheet music you’re no longer using and turn it into a Christmas ornament! Check out Take Time for Style for the step-by-step instructions!

2. Music Note Christmas Tree

What can you do with 25 toilet paper rolls? You can make an awesome Music Note Christmas Tree!

Wrap green tissue paper around the ends of the toilet paper rolls. Secure with either rubberbands or glue.

Next, glue all the rolls together like the below example to form a tree. Print out some music note symbols and cut out each symbol individually.

Once they are cut out, place one musical symbol inside the toilet paper roll through the back end of the roll (the end without tissue paper).

Once all music symbols are inside, you can attach to a Christmas themed background.

The objective of the game is for students to poke a hole through the tissue paper to grab a musical symbol.

Then, they have to tell what the symbol is and what it means! Here’s a great example of a toilet paper roll Christmas tree from My Kid Craft!

3. Prodigies Christmas Tree

Make this Prodigies Christmas Tree using our printable! Give your students some blank circle labels. Have them color the labels the solfege colors and then place them on the tree. Once it’s decorated, use it as a teaching tool to review solfege names, note names, hand signs, etc!

4. Nutcracker Unit Study

The Nutcracker is an awesome ballet for a music unit study! Mrs. King’s Music Class has a great stash of activities you can use. You’ll definitely want to check out Rhythm Basketball: Nutcracker Edition and the Nutcracker MEGA bundle!

5. Color-by-Music Symbol

Color-by-music symbol pages are such a hit with children! Check out these 26 color-by-music pages offered through Teachers Pay Teachers!

6. Christmas Music Station

Mrs. King’s Classroom has so many neat ideas that I couldn’t decide on just one or two! Head on over to her website and spend some time browsing through all her Christmas music workstations. My favorites are Cool Composition and Ornament Puzzlers!

7. Sleigh Ride Song

One of my favorite Christmas songs is the Sleigh Ride Song! It is such a fun song for a unit study! From sleigh bells to whips to the clip-clopping of the horses’ hooves, there are so many neat sound effects.

For some great unit study ideas, check out Learning by Step and Music in our Homeschool!