We are THRILLED to introduce Libro de Canciones Infantiles, our latest songbook that features colorful and easy-to-read music with lyrics, notation, and hand-signs for 12 beloved Spanish kids songs! The arrangements chosen for this songbook make it fun and accessible for your child to develop their musical ear, learn basic rhythms, sing & hand-sign solfege, practice the musical alphabet, perform basic melodies and more. We chose some of the most popular, easy-to-sing Spanish songs and put them into a book that can be shared and enjoyed with family and friends.
Featuring 12 kid songs to expand your child’s Spanish & English vocabulary, study the language of music and learn different songs around the world: “Libro de Canciones Infantiles” is a bilingual collection of traditional children’s songs that celebrates Latin American and Spanish heritage, and the essence of early childhood.
Each page is filled with educational, fun and culturally significant songs in Spanish that can be heard in Spain and all over Latin America: Ecuador, Chile, Panama, Argentina, Mexico and more. These songs are a wonderful addition to your child’s songbook collection and ideal for early childhood education and bilingual homes and classrooms.
We’ve been dreaming up this book for years and it finally came together with the help of Prodigies newest teammate, Ms. Andrea Cornejo, who was instrumental in helping us get the translations and arrangements looking top notch. Support the book launch and expand your Spanish Song repertoire at prodigies.com/libro
Learn more about our top 10 list of Spanish songs featuring songs in our NEW songbook, Libro de Canciones Infantiles below:

1. Buenos Días
Buenos Días was the very first Spanish music lesson we added to Prodigies and we look forward to adding plenty more songs to our collection!
Originally written in Mexico, Buenos Días is a beloved children’s song made most famous by Jose-Luis Orozco. This song teaches children common Spanish words as they keep a steady beat by clapping, tapping and stomping!
Familiar with Buenos Días, but with a different melody? You’ll find that the lyrics and melodies of each of these songs vary a little depending on region. When Mr. Rob was a preschool music teacher, he had a super cool colleague from Colombia that taught him the version featured in Libro de Canciones. He took that inspiration and give this version the ultimate Prodigies treatment with bells, Boomwhackers and bright colors!

2. La Cucaracha
La Cucaracha originally comes from Spain, but has been widely adapted throughout Mexican history. This song is often a vessel for describing or satirizing the current politics of the time. The lyrics cleverly mask the song’s message, using aspects of a fable. La Cucaracha has evolved over the course of a century, with references dating back to the Mexican Revolution. We’ve kept it much simpler with a repeating line about a cockroach that can’t walk because it lost its two hind legs.
La Cucaracha features great melodic leaps, scale patterns and a song form that you’ll want to repeat all day!

3. Los Pollitos Dicen (Pio Pio Pio)
Los Pollitos Dicen or “The Little Chicks Say” is a classic Spanish Nursery Rhyme whose popularity is similar to that of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” in English. It’s sung in the households of many Spanish speaking countries from Mexico to Ecuador and Spain but its author is Chilean teacher, poet and musician Ismael Parraguez. Los Pollitos Dicen made its first appearance in his book “Poesías Infantiles” in 1907. Parraguez was prolific in his short life, writing books, hymns and children’s songs that have been absorbed intro a global culture and celebrated more than 100 years later.

4. Pin Pon es un Muñeco
It’s time to wash your face, comb your hair and make a new friend! Pin Pon es un Muñeco will teach your kids all about hygiene and proper manners.
Pin Pon es un Muñeco is considered a universal song, and has been sung across Latin America for generations. It was modernized and popularized by Chilean actor Jorge Guerra, who created a television show and character by the same name and taught children all about habits, manners and good values.

5. La Lechuza
Ready for a tranquil, calming song to sing with your kiddos? La Lechuza is great for transitioning from active play to a more serene activity.
La Lechuza’s melody is the same as Frère Jacques and dates back to the 17th century. And just like Frère Jacques, this song sounds beautiful when sung as a musical round.

6. Una Vez Hubo un Juez
Enjoy the song, Lightly Row? Then you’ll love this next one! Una Vez Hubo un Juez is an endearing children’s song that teaches solfège and recognizing basic melodies. The lyrics tell a story about a judge who lives in Aranjuez and went out to catch a fish! Aranjuez is a town on the River Tagus in central Spain, south of Madrid.

7. Las Mañanitas (Mariachi)
Dating back to the 19th century, Las Mañanitas became one of the most popular and well-known Mexican songs, as it’s often sung during birthdays, weddings and many religious holidays. This traditional song has spread all over Latin America and can be heard in Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, etc.
At the beginning of the 20th Century, Manuel M. Ponce, known as the founder of Mexican Musical Nationalism, composed and wrote the lyrics for the most popular version known today, and is credited as having composed it.
As a traditional song with a very long history, there are many versions and variations of the lyrics and verses. Depending on the celebration, the first two verses may change. It is possible you will hear a longer version when it is performed formally by Mariachis.

8. Un Elefante Se Balanceaba
This next song is one of the oldest methods parents use to teach children about numbers and get them to fall asleep. Instead of counting sheep before going to bed, this song counts elephants and starts off with an elephant balancing on a spider web! What poise!
Un Elefante Se Balanceaba is a traditional children’s song of unknown origin, sung all across Spanish speaking countries. Just like some of the other songs in Libro de Canciones, the lyrics and melody vary a little depending on the country.

9. Que llueva, Que llueva
♩ Let it go on raining,
The birds go on running,
Let the meadow blossom
Under the spring sun ♩
When it comes to teaching young kids music, Mi Sol La songs serve an undeniable purpose. Researchers argue that this combination of notes is instinctual, children seem to latch onto this melody.
We discovered two melodies used for Que llueva, Que llueva but ultimately went forward with the Mi Sol La version as it’s a powerful note combination for teaching young children basic melodies.

10. El Tambor de la Alegría
Just like we began this Top 10 list, we will end it with another welcome song. The drum of joy or “El Tambor de la Alegría” is a great way to begin a music lesson and make everyone feel included. This is a great song for introducing the chromatic note, Bb!
While there are only 10 songs listed here, there are 12 songs featured in our NEW Spanish Songbook & estamos muy emocionados de compartirlas con ustedes! (We are very excited to share them with you!)
NEW SPANISH SONGBOOK: Libro de Canciones Infantiles
Grab your copy of Libro de Canciones Infantiles below!