Tastytuesday 7 Songs For Healthy Eating

#TastyTuesday: 7 Songs for Healthy Eating

Mr. Rob

Mr. Rob

To celebrate #TastyTuesday, we’re throwing it back to 7 songs about healthy eating from Mr. Rob & Zach, the duo known as Nature Jams!

All 7 songs are included in the playlist above so hit play, kick back and get jamming on some healthy tunes. They are:

  1. Locavore – a Nature Jam’s classic all about eating local
  2. Avocado – a grooving tribute to every millennials favorite fruit
  3. Into the Garden- take a trip into the garden with an alphabet full of vegetables
  4. Sweet Beets – the Sweet Beets origin, recorded right in Mr. Rob’s kitchen
  5. What’s for Lunch? – Hmm…great question…find out in this call and response song!
  6. Choose My Plate – a story song about a healthy eater (who’s somewhere between indignant and proud)
  7. Vegan Best Friend – we all have one…right?

You can also find Nature Jams on Spotify:

Food for Thought (2013)

Be Kind (2014)

These tunes help you spark conversations with your kids about organic food, healthy habits & nutrition.

Want to dive deeper on #TastyTuesday? Check out last year’s epic blog post, Teaching Kids Healthy Eating Habits! It’s two longer articles that really get into the details of good nutrition practices with your kids!

If you want to check out more music from Nature Jams, you can grab either of their full-length CDs below!