If you have decided to homeschool your children, then you already know what a remarkable challenge it poses. Not only do you have to ensure that you are covering all of the subjects that are required but also you want to make certain that your students are really thriving in their learning environment.
It’s an enormous job, and many home teachers are proud just to be successfully covering the “three Rs.” However, there is growing evidence that all kids may reap incredible benefits from having some kind of music lessons.
Does that mean that you have to teach music to your children?
Not necessarily, although it can be a good idea as well as being an effort that is rewarding both for students and teachers.
Evidence suggests that kids also derive the benefits of a music education from taking voice or instrument lessons from a professional teacher, which is always an option if you are uncertain about teaching music-related subjects yourself.
What if your children aren’t particularly interested in music? There’s nothing wrong with that. After all, not everyone is cut out for playing baseball or writing poetry. If your students aren’t drawn to the idea of learning to play an instrument or sing, then they may still benefit from being introduced to music appreciation and related subjects. Some kids end up being fascinated by the lives of the great European composers or learning about how historical and cultural events influence musical styles.
You just might find that you are fascinated as well. Discovering new interests of your own is one of the major benefits of homeschooling your kids.
Music Has Power
Have you ever listened to the radio while cleaning the house? If so, you may have noticed that a high-energy, upbeat tune is exactly what you need to keep your motivation going.
What about when you were having a really tough day? Was there a song on the radio that lifted your mood or soothed your anger?
When you were falling in love with your partner, did you hear a certain song that seemed to be describing precisely what was in your heart?
Even the most non-musical person probably has felt the power of music in their life. Music can change your mood, help you to face your fears, soothe you when you are upset or express difficult thoughts and feelings that you may be having a hard time expressing yourself.
The deeper your understanding of music is, the more powerfully it speaks to you. It’s also not unusual to find that you have an affinity for more styles and genres of music than you ever realized when you begin studying it.
The same is true for your kids. They probably react instinctively to music, clapping along or dancing when a favorite song comes on the radio. Even if your child isn’t quite so demonstrative about music, chances are good that he still notices when he hears a tune that he likes or one that he loathes!
Why Teach Music in the Homeschool Environment?
Did you know that approximately 90 percent of kids who participate in some kind of music program demonstrate significantly enhanced executive function and verbal intelligence? The findings in the study that reached this conclusion were discovered after just 20 brief days of music classes. Imagine how a child’s executive function and verbal intelligence could improve in a year of lessons.
Other studies have found that music study has benefits such as:
- Sharpening mental acuity
- Enhancing listening skills
- Speeds up brain development
- Improves reading and math skills
Clearly, this demonstrates that music is a powerful accompaniment to other academic endeavors. If you want to better ensure your child’s success in high school, college and beyond, then it is definitely worthwhile to introduce some type of music training at a young age.
Music Lessons Have Physical Benefits Too
It is not only the brain and academic performance that are enhanced by the study of music. These types of lessons have other benefits such as:
- Reducing anxiety
- Lessening depression
- Boosting the immune system
- Developing interpersonal connections that foster overall health
Children who study music similarly tend to show greater empathy and confidence, demonstrating that an education in music is about far more than being able to read notes that are scribbled on a page.
Foster Happiness in Your Homeschool
Most kids absolutely love having the opportunity to make their own music or to develop a greater appreciation for music. Indulging in a music lesson can be a great way to boost everyone’s mood during the school day.
It will kind of feel like you’re cheating to stop doing math for a while in favor of playing the tambourine, but just remember all of the scientific evidence that suggests learning about music can enhance performance in math, languages and other subjects.
Plus, your kids will get an incredible glow and a sense of accomplishment when they learn a new song or skill. That sense of accomplishment will give them confidence to try other new endeavors.
Develop Physical Coordination and Control
Young children derive a great deal of benefit from a back-and-forth game that involves a song. The practice of making physical movements while also remembering lyrics is an amazing technique for developing physical coordination.
Plus, even tapping feet, dancing or bouncing to the music can be instrumental to helping your little ones develop the fine motor skills that they will be using for decades to come.
As kids learn more about musical concepts like rhythm, they start to recognize patterns, and this can help to cement important connections between different portions of the brain. This may contribute to better hand-eye coordination, which is critical for when your child starts participating in sports.
Instill Better Discipline
Unless you are a musical genius, learning a new instrument is incredibly hard work. It requires dedication and lots of practice.
Even kids who spend just a few months studying an instrument show incredible improvement in their capacity for discipline. This spills over into plenty of other areas. They learn the value of practicing, and they are less likely to give up in frustration when things become challenging.
Even critical thinking skills tend to show improvement thanks to learning more about music.
How to Add Music to Homeschool Curriculum
Many options are available if you want to introduce your kids to music in the homeschool environment. You don’t even have to play an instrument yourself to give them a meaningful and indispensable experience.
To level up the fun, introduce some simple percussion instruments like a boomwhackers and note knacks and get started with the C Major Deskbells or C Major Resonator Xylophones. Most kids love to be able to make their own music, and they might even incorporate some dance movements too. Your kids are starting to appreciate music and understand how it can influence their lives.
Bring Prodigies Music Home
At Prodigies Music, we specialize in helping kids of all abilities fall in love with music. Our fun, easy to follow online lessons are colorful and engaging. Just as importantly, each lesson introduces fundamental musical concepts that your kids can use and appreciate for a lifetime.
If you are looking for a non-intimidating way to introduce music instruction to your homeschool students, let Prodigies Music help. Each of our video lessons is taught by an instructor who has a genuine love of music and is passionate about sharing that love with kids everywhere. That dedication to learning shines through in every lesson.
With Prodigies Music, you and your children can discover the joy of making music even as you develop familiarity with the fundamental principles of how music is constructed. Explore everything that Prodigies Music offers so that you can unlock the power of music in your homeschool.