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Allegro in Bb Major

Allegro in Bb Major

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The original transcription for Allegro in Bb is dated March 1762. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756. That’s right, Mozart was 6 years old when he composed Allegro in Bb!

Mozart’s earliest compositions were most likely documented by his father, Leopold. Leopold Mozart wrote harpsichord pieces and transcribed other composer’s works for children to learn. He taught them technical exercises, intervals and modulating figured basses. Leopold kept this all in a famous notebook named after Mozart’s sister, Maria Anna, known as “Nannerl.” Still today, Nannerl’s Music Book is often used to provide instruction to beginner piano players.

Allegro in Bb has been arranged in the key of F Major.  It’s a relatively short piece, but it accomplishes a lot. Modal interplay, tonicizing chord groups and chromatic melodic material take us on a wild ride through some other keys, but we come back home to F Major. This melody should be played spritely and nimble, we want to see tippy toes, people!

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